What I Do

I hold one on one private coaching sessions on the phone from anywhere in the world, to provide guidance, and to help teach you how to increase your self-esteem and happiness. If you buy a session now I will contact you and schedule a time that works for you!

Monthly Corporate Retainer $15,000.00

Unlimited monthly consulting and coaching support for a company and it's individuals as needed, to keep the highest level of effectiveness, morale and productivity.

30 Minute Session $300.00

I will provide guidance and motivation to interrupt negative patterns. I will also teach you how to increase your momentum to getting what you want. The focus can be on relationships, career, self-awareness or your most important issues.

Seminar Remote Viewing $75.00

Join an inspirational seminar from the comfort of your own home. You can remotely view through Zoom, a confirmation with meeting ID will be emailed to you for you to log on and enjoy.

Coaching Package of 3 - 30 minute sessions $800.00

You can choose between remote of phone session. Use this package to deal with current issues that arise and to change the course of your life. I will provide guidance and motivation to interrupt negative patterns. I will also teach you how to increase your momentum to getting what you want. The focus can be on relationships, career, self-awareness or your most important issues.

Remote Clearing Session $225.00

I will clear your energy field of negative low vibration such as betrayal, sadness, depression, loneliness, poverty, and anger. This will be a 30 minute session, where all you have to do is be in a comfortable area and receive the clearing. I would want a short description of your current situation and what may be happening in your life. This is a very effective approach to change your circumstance.

30 Minute Phone Clearing Session $275.00

I will clear negative energy from you, and teach you how to be Teflon and raise your vibration to attract all that you truly desire.

Unlimited Texting Support for 2 Days $150.00

To keep you on track and focused on raising your vibration and changing your point of attraction.

30 Minute Phone Clearing Session $275.00

I will clear negative energy from you, and teach you how to be Teflon and raise your vibration to attract all that you truly desire.

Feng Shui for Home or Office $3300.00

Feng Shui has an impact on the aesthetics of interior design and architectural layout of living and working spaces. Feng Shui practice brings good fortunes in many forms, including better health, a successful career, or a fulfilling love life.

Monthly Coaching Package $7000.00

Includes unlimited text, phone, email and will travel to be with you in person to support and advise on personal and business matters. This is a comprehensive approach to exponential growth and releasing old worn out patterns that may keep arising in you life.

Seminars & Retreats

My destination Retreats & My Seminars that I can come to you with, are an amazing opportunity for transformation!!! When we surround ourselves with others that are reaching for a change we exponentially increase our effectiveness to change!

Transformational Florence Retreat 2024

Join me in historic Florence, Italy for a life changing retreat.

Reserve Your Spot Now

Weekend Retreat

Join me for an exciting well-planned interactive multi faceted weekend retreat. Including effective interactive exercises and many levels of motivation and the opportunity to apply this information to your home, self or work environment. Retreats can have many themes ranging between:


Through condensed interactive exercises we will restore your original authentic perspective through releasing negative beliefs and unhealthy patterns acquired through years of repressed stress and disappointment.

90 Minute Motivational Talk

I will provide a 90-minute interactive motivational talk. Including very effective exercises and insightful transformative information. I will teach you to tap into the power of your imagination.

For more information and details about pricing on upcoming seminars and retreats please contact me.

Contact Me